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Kategoriarkiv: Gaming
The Xbox One guide for blind and visually impaired people
Written by Søren Jensen, also known as SLJ.
welcome to the Xbox guide for blind and visual impaired people. This guide is made for blind and visual impaired gamers, by blind and visual impaired gamers themself. This guide is generally made for all people, sight or no sight, who for whatever reason might have any interest in reading about how blind gamers are able to use the Xbox console. Therefore, this guide is also for you, if you are a game developer, work with accessibility in any ways, know someone who need any of the visually accessible features on the console or if you just generally are interested in reading about the accessibility which Microsoft have put in for blind and visually impaired people on the console. So, a huge welcome to this guide, and thanks for reading…
Udgivet i Gaming
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